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Resilient youth, resilient staff, and stronger communities

Research suggests that over half of the youth in the U.S. are exposed to a traumatic event each year. Studies also tell us that one of the most significant factors in a young person’s resiliency is having consistent access to a supportive and caring adult. Trauma-informed practices are a way to engage young people, both with and without histories of trauma, by creating safe and supportive environments and practices with the goal of helping youth thrive in the face of adversity.

Safe Havens: integrating trauma-informed care: Services



Research suggests that nearly 60 percent of youth in the U.S. are exposed to a traumatic event each year. Studies also tell us that one of the most significant factors in a young person’s resiliency is having consistent access to a supportive and caring adult. Trauma-informed practices are a way to engage young people, both with and without histories of trauma, by creating safe and supportive environments and practices with the goal of helping youth thrive in the face of adversity. This interactive workshop will introduce the principles of a trauma-informed approach while actively building skills to take back to your setting.


What are our expectations and assumptions when working with challenging youth behaviors? What do healthy trauma-informed and culturally sensitive guidelines look like in practice. This interactive workshop will explore the context behind “bad” behavior so that we can better help the youth and ourselves. Learn about more effective strategies which consider the roles that chronic stress and trauma play in challenging behaviors. Gain a better understanding of how to distinguish between thoughts, emotions, and behaviors so that we can build resiliency in youth and in ourselves. (Note: this is a two-hour combined and abridged version of the two part "Bad" Behavior series listed below).


“Bad” Behavior, part one: Contextualizing

What are our expectations and assumptions when working with challenging youth behaviors? This interactive workshop will explore the context behind “bad” behavior so that we can better help the youth and ourselves. Learn about more effective strategies which consider the roles that chronic stress and trauma play in challenging behaviors. Gain a better understanding of how to distinguish between thoughts, emotions, and behaviors so that we can build resiliency in youth and in ourselves.

“Bad” Behavior, part two: Facilitating Healthier Choices for Youth and for Ourselves

What do healthy expectations and guidelines for youth behavior look like in practice? What works and what doesn’t work when we’re facing challenging behaviors in youth? Learn strategies for dealing with “bad” behaviors. Gain a better understanding of bullying and what role adults can play in helping guide youth through challenging behaviors.


Building resiliency is crucial to trauma-informed work with youth. Social-emotional learning work supports youth resiliency. What does SEL look like on a day-to-day basis when adults interact with youth? SEL curriculum strategies are just the beginning of successful social-emotional learning implementation. There are opportunities for modeling and supporting youth  social-emotional learning development all around us every day. Bring your SEL practices to a deeper level by leveraging every day opportunities to support youth resiliency.

Safe Havens: integrating trauma-informed care: Upcoming Events


Kirk is a Certified Trainer with Starr (TLC, Reclaiming Youth International) a recognized leader in trauma-informed practices and staff training/certification.

These workshops can partially fulfill requirements for level one Certified Trauma Practitioner - Education and Certified Trauma Practitioner - Clinical

Children of Trauma

Designed for school and clinical professionals who work with at risk and traumatized children. This course provides content related to grief versus trauma, trauma exposure, trauma to be viewed as an experience rather than a diagnostic category, trauma’s impact on the brain, the Adverse Childhood Experience’s Study and additional infor- mation and strategies to support the evidence-based structured sensory interventions TLC developed.

Courageous Classrooms

Designed for educators working with students who exhibit problematic behavior, this course builds upon the Circle of Courage® philosophy; providing a framework for implementing its principles in a school setting.

Topics covered include:

1.) Values-based classroom management practices

2.) An overview of the Circle of Courage® philosophy

3.) “Broken Circles” and pain-based behavior

4.) Punishment & reward systems vs. the Circle of Courage® 

5.) Fostering resilience

6.) Integrating the Circle of Courage® with existing behavior management models 

7.) Characteristics of a “Courageous Classroom”

Courageous Connections

Designed for direct care staff, youth specialists, para-educators, counselors, social workers, therapists, administra- tors, and any other caregivers, professionals, or crisis responders working with young people who exhibit problem- atic behavior, this course builds upon The Circle of Courage® philosophy; providing a set of skills/tools to be used when intervening with individuals in crisis.

Topics include:

1.) Values-based treatment & care

2.) An overview of The Circle of Courage® philosophy 

3.) “Broken Circles” and pain-based behavior

4.) Responding to pain-based behavior

5.) Assessing behavior using a “courageous lens” 

6.) Connecting, clarifying, and restoring

 Healing the Experience of Trauma

This training will present, Healing the Experience of Trauma: A Program for Youth, which was developed for practi- tioners to use with children who are living in a constant state of toxic stress. Instead of asking a child what happened, it focuses on their lives now. Learn the process of moving traumatized youth between themes of trauma and feelings of connection, resilience and strength. Structured sessions integrate mind-body skills and expressive art activities that provide the child with a platform to be an active participant in their healing.

Structured Sensory Interventions

Structured Sensory Interventions is the second of the TLC required courses toward certification. You will learn trauma-specific intervention tasks and techniques as well as see them demonstrated. This is a day of practicing and experiencing the evidence-based structured sensory interventions presented in the Children of Trauma course. The presenter engages attendees in an encapsulated demonstration of the major sensory structured processes. Partici- pants will practice interventions to ameliorate survivor reactions, post-traumatic stress and grief reactions in children following violent and non-violent traumatic losses. Attendees will also participate in additional activities and by days end will feel comfortable using any of the TLC intervention programs. A brief presentation of the TLC evidence-based research and outcomes will support value of TLC’s structured sensory programs in schools and agencies.

Trauma Informed Schools

Designed for school staff, from the superintendent on down, this training provides educators with the 10 steps to creating a trauma-informed school.

Topics include:

1.) understanding trauma and its impact on students 

2.) viewing trauma as an experience

3.) the link between private logic and behavior

4.) prioritizing social-emotional skill development

5.) establishing safety

6.) fostering connections

7.) promoting play

8.) collaborating with families and the community 

9.) supporting staff

10.) collecting and utilizing data

In addition to these topics, the movie, Paper Tigers, is shown and discussed. This movie depicts the dramatic transformation in troubled teens when the staff at their school incorporates findings from the Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE) study into their education and support services. It captures the pain, danger, beauty, and hopes of struggling teens and their teachers and support staff armed with the new science and fresh approaches that are changing their lives for the better.

Contact Kirk for more information by filling out the "Schedule a Session" form below.

Safe Havens: integrating trauma-informed care: Welcome


Portage, MI, USA


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